Driving Innovation Through Agile Leadership

Target Participants: Team Leaders, First-level, Mid-Level, Top Managers

The ability to create autonomous and innovative teams is a skill every 21st century leader needs to develop to thrive in today’s volatile and complex environment. In this program, participants are given an introduction on the values and principles of Design Thinking and Agile Leadership to build change resilience at a personal, team, and organizational level.


– The VUCA World
– Building a New Mindset
– Agile Manifesto
– Agile Methods
– Traditional Vs. Agile Teams
– The Fourth Industrial Revolution
– Concepts of Design Thinking Approaches
– Innovation Mindset and Ideas Generation
– Role of Leaders in Agile Transformation
– Key Characteristics of Agile Leaders
– Developing Agile Teams
– Agile Team Collaboration and Leadership